Monday, November 21, 2011

Chapter 2: Big eyes

My eye's grew big as I entered the cafeteria. Our school cafeteria was all new, new tables, new stage, new speakers, everything! It was so exciting! I was scanning the room with my eyes looking for my best friend, Rei Yoshida. Finally, I found her long flowing black hair, next to Ryo Itō, her boyfriend.
"Rei!" I yelled, getting ready to get in line for our lunch.
"Michiko!" Rei and Ryo yelled at the same time. I was so happy, and they all caught up with me in the lunch line. Soon, I spotted a familiar handsome person strolled up, I jumped behind Rei and Ryo to see who it was.
I squinted at them, trying to figure out who it is. "Yukio?" I said loud enough for him to hear.
"Michiko!" He said back, as he came up and hugged me. My eyes grew big again, smiling really big.
"Aww Michiko, is this your boyfriend?!?!" Rei said, wiggling her eyebrows around.
"No!" I shot back to her, "he's just a nice guy I met, after we tripped over each other in the hallway, all my fault!" I had laughed saying that.
"No, Michiko, it was my fault!" Yukio told me, holding onto my arm.
"Okay, it was BOTH our faults, okay?!" I said, happily. Yukio sighed and replied with an okay, with a kind of laugh. We all went and got our lunch and sat together.
"Hey, Michiko, want to go to a movie later? Then I'll buy dinner." Yukio said, smiling.
"Sure!" I said really happily. Rei was wiggling her eyebrows at me, and Ryo was smiling at Rei, who didn't notice her wiggling her eyebrows.

Chapter 1: Love at first sight

She was late, breathing heavily, running through the crowded halls to get to class. "Oh no! 30 seconds!" she thought, if she was late again, she would be sent to detention AGAIN. Which just can't happen!
*OOPH!*She said, just as she hit the ground with a thud, her papers and books flying in every direction.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!' said a boy.
"Oh no, it was my fault, I'm so sorry!" I said, crawling around for my papers, apparently his went everywhere too. My eye's squinted, trying to make out his name, "Yukio Mori" I whispered to myself.
"Oh I am so sorry!" He said, grabbing all over for his papers.
"Oh, don't be, it's not so bad, it was my fault, I wasn't looking." I said shyly. I looked up, and found Yukio staring at me. I started to blush.
"Hi," I said more shyly, "my names Michiko, Michiko Tanaka" I said, I felt my face getting warmer by the second.
"I'm Yukio, Yukio Mori." He said, starting to blush
"I know," I said, giggling, pointing to his paper.
He blushed more, shaking my hand, then quickly helped separate our stuff *RINGGGGG!*
I sighed "The bell... I'm late..."
"Don't worry!" Yukio said, putting his hand on my shoulder.
"It IS a worry!" I said, rushing, "I will see you later, I'm sorry!" I quickly put my things away and scurried off to class.


Hello, this is my blog, I am Hannah, and every now and again, I will be posting 'Chapters' to a story I will type. I hope you like it!